Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New Reception Starters 2015-2016

Welcome to our school. Starting school is an exciting time. 
We love to play and explore it's the best way to learn; sometimes the adults guide us and sometimes we make our own learning choices.

Swim Gala Team Winners

This year The Blue Team were the winners of our annual swim gala. 

Well done to everyone who took part - you swim like fish!

House Point Winners

This year The Red Team are the House Point Winners with a total of 1822 points!

Well done everyone, keep up the good work.

Red Team Captains

Leavers July 2015

Sadly it's time to say goodbye to some of our children but we wish them all the very best in pastures new. 
Bye Bye..

Good Work Assembly July 2015

Well done to all those children who showed excellence and were awarded certificates for all their hard work at the Good Work Assembly!  Year 5 and 6 were all recognised for their hard work.  Key Stage 2 surprised us all with a Flash Mob - fantastic work guys!