Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good Work Assembly - January 2012

Well done to the following pupils who have worked so hard that they deserve a certificate!

George Weller for his story in an Native American style; not your usual gruesome offering George!

Natalie Blair for her story in an Native American style; now we know why Flamingos are pink!
Irina Barrass for improvement in her handwriting and using her new skill in all aspects of her work.

Finley Senejko-Williams for his excellent attitude towards his studies & for picking up on new skills and concepts.
Leon Harding for his ability to follow instructions & his improved all round skills.

Alexa Barrass, making it a full house for the Barrass family, for working hard in all tasks.
Jasmine Brown for her great improvement in spoken English and her letter sounds.

Molly Furnival for her wonderful playdough initials.

Ethan Davies for his excellent attitude and effort in all aspects of his schooling.

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